Douro Inland Waterway 2020
The Douro’s Inland Waterway 2020 Project, with financial support from the CEF-Transport (Connecting Europe Facility for Transport) programme and the State Budget, aims to improve the navigability conditions of the Douro River. This involves enhancing safety conditions, improving communication and information systems, addressing constraints in the channel and navigation locks, and creating conditions for more companies to use the Douro as a means of transport. It also aims to enable existing operators, such as tourism companies, to expand their fleets and to encourage operators who do not yet use the river to see it as a viable solution – such as freight transport companies.
The project, with an overall budget of 76 million euros and an estimated duration of 6 years, is divided into three complementary phases.

As part of the overall project, the following have already received approval from the CEF-Transports financial programme:
The DIW2020 – Phase I project, for studies and designs, with a value of 4.7 million euros and a co-financing rate of 50%, which was completed in January 2017;
The DIW2020 – Safer and Sustainable Accessibility (SSA) project, with a value of 10.089 million euros and a co-financing rate of 85%, ongoing until April 2018; and
The DIW2020 – River Information Services (RIS) project, with a value of 2.733 million euros and a co-financing rate of 85%, ongoing until September 2018.
Phase I of the DIW 2020 project began in March 2015 and concluded in January 2017, yielding clear results, such as the studies and designs related to the elimination of bottlenecks in the Cotas-Valeira and Saião-Pocinho sections, including environmental impact assessments and topo-hydrographic surveys of these two sections of the navigation channel; the projects for the modernisation and rehabilitation of the five navigation locks; the studies for the RIS system (technical and functional specifications); a safety and emergency plan; a study on the human and geographical impact of the project; a study on the expected impact of the project’s implementation concerning new markets and services; the cost-benefit analysis for the overall project; as well as dissemination and training activities.
As part of Phase II, which began in March 2016, the following are being carried out in parallel:
The DIW2020-SSA project focuses on improving safety conditions in the Douro River estuary, which is the section of the channel with the highest traffic intensity, where most vessels begin or end their journeys. In addition to addressing immediate concerns about navigation safety in the estuary, this project also aims to conduct various pilot tests for potential implementation along the Douro River waterway.
The DIW2020-RIS project aims to implement the recently developed River Information Services (RIS) for inland navigation, specifically through the acquisition and development of the necessary hardware and software to establish a fully operational communication and information system along the 208 km of the navigation channel. This system will be developed in full alignment with the minimum requirements of Directive 2005/44/EC, with the goal of implementing new navigation support systems, such as hydrological sensors, CCTV at locks and major quays, meteorological monitoring systems, AIS, and traffic control systems.
Phase III of the DIW 2020 project, for which the application is currently being prepared, has an overall budget of 58.7 million euros and is intended to run until the end of 2020. This phase includes all the necessary works to meet the general objectives set for the project. It encompasses not only the works to correct the geometric layout of the navigation channel in the Cotas-Valeira and Saião-Pocinho sections but also the investments in the modernisation and rehabilitation of the navigation locks, as well as investments in navigation aids (new signalling system and acquisition of navigation support equipment).
The Douro’s Inland Waterway 2020 Project is a structuring, critical, and decisive project to ensure the sustainable development of the Douro and the surrounding region, bringing the Douro Navigation Route to levels of quality and safety that meet the standards required at the European level within the context of the core network of the TEN-T.
In addition to reinforcing regional growth, the project aims to attract tourist flows and create a sustainable and clean transport alternative for the local industry, enabling and enhancing the transport of goods by river. It also seeks to address the exponential increase in traffic that has occurred in recent years on the Douro Navigation Route, which necessitates strengthened safety measures to minimise accidents and ensure an effective response in emergency situations.
Designação da operação: |
Douro's Inland Waterway 2020 - Phase I |
Número de Projeto: |
2014-PT-TA-0439-S |
Entidade beneficiária: |
Período de execução: |
Início do Projeto: 01/03/2015 |
Custo total do investimento: |
4 707 760 € |
Financiamento aprovado: |
2 353 880 € |
Description of the Operation
The 208 km Portuguese section of the Douro River, stretching from the Spanish border to its mouth in the city of Porto, currently faces severe navigation restrictions. This action addresses the geometric correction of the two main bottlenecks on the Douro, as well as the constraints and infrastructure of ICT systems. The Douro serves as a feeder route to the Atlantic Corridor of the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) and is part of a Global Project aimed at providing a safe level of navigability on the Portuguese section of the river.
The action consists of hydrographic, topographic, and geometric studies, development plans, and studies for the design of a River Information Services (RIS) plan and the modernisation of communications. It also includes training and the preparation of an emergency plan. The action will improve traffic flows, contributing to better connectivity between the Atlantic front and the rest of Europe, supporting economic growth and modal shift.
The Douro’s Inland Waterway 2020 Global Project aims to maximise the traffic flow potential of the Douro River. To achieve this, the project is structured into several phases.
This action represents the first phase, with the objective of planning the modernisation and correction of the river channel, designing a River Information Services plan, and designing a rehabilitation plan for the river’s five locks. The impact of general cargo navigation, bulk goods, and cruise ships, and how the different cargo flows can be accommodated, will be assessed, considering the sharp increase expected due to a large iron mine currently being developed inland along the river. All these efforts aim to enhance the overall navigability, safety, and protection of the river through the core of the Port of Leixões and the interior regions of Northern and Central Portugal, as well as the Spanish region of Castile and León, in line with European standards and TEN-T.
An effective involvement of a wide range of stakeholders, both public and private, will also be achieved through the establishment of a Douro Navigability Advisory Council.
This Action represents the first phase and aims to:
Plan the modernisation and correction of the river channel;
Develop a River Information Services (RIS) plan;
Design a rehabilitation plan for the river's five locks;
Assess the impact of general cargo, bulk goods, and cruise ship navigation;
Evaluate how different cargo flows can be accommodated, considering the expected sharp increase due to a large iron mine being developed within the river's influence zone;
Strengthen the overall navigability, safety, and protection of the river, through the maritime port of Leixões, which is part of the core network of the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T), and the inland areas of the Northern and Central regions of Portugal, as well as the Spanish region of Castile and León, in line with European standards and TEN-T requirements;
Achieve effective involvement of a wide range of stakeholders, both public and private, through the establishment of a Douro Navigability Advisory Council;
By enabling better connectivity between Europe’s Atlantic front and the rest of the continent, the impact of the Douro’s Inland Waterway 2020 project will support the dynamic growth of European trade and transport policies, particularly concerning the shift from road freight transport to more environmentally and energy-efficient modes of transport, such as inland waterway transport.
Designação da operação: |
Douro's Inland Waterway 2020 - Safer and Sustainable Accessibility |
Número de Projeto: |
2015-PT-TM-0319-S |
Entidade beneficiária: |
Período de execução: |
Início do Projeto: 01/03/2016 |
Custo total do investimento: |
10 088 500 € |
Financiamento aprovado: |
8 575 225 € |
Description of the Operation
This Action is part of the Global Project "Douro's Inland Waterway 2020," which aims to provide a safe and sustainable level of navigability on the Portuguese section of the Douro River. This involves enhancing safety conditions and operational performance to ensure a safe, sustainable, and smooth traffic flow, thereby promoting inland waterway transport on the Douro. In addition to this Action, the Global Project "Douro's Inland Waterway 2020" also includes the Actions "Douro's Inland Waterway 2020 - Phase I" and "Douro's Inland Waterway 2020 - River Information Services."Objetivos
Improve navigation conditions within the riverbed at the inner port of Porto (a core port in the Trans-European Transport Networks), which overlaps with the Douro River estuary.
Address the enhancement of port accessibility.
Implement support infrastructure, such as onshore water and electricity supply facilities.
Promote the introduction of environmentally friendly energy sources.
Enhance ICT applications and communication tools.
Provide training, preparation, and necessary tools for emergency situations, through:
Acquisition of a multifunctional tugboat: This aims to equip the Waterway with a vessel capable of assisting ships, conducting port operations that ensure navigational safety, and performing routine maintenance tasks. These include assisting in repositioning buoys for the navigation marking system, supporting dredging operations, and transporting and repositioning equipment for navigation support systems.
Acquisition of a Full Mission Bridge Simulator: This aims to provide training and enable certification, equipping the Douro Inland Waterway (particularly its estuary) and the associated core maritime port of Leixões with a previously unavailable training offer, thereby improving the quality of navigation.
Designação da operação: |
Douro's Inland Waterway 2020 - River Information Services |
Número de Projeto: |
2014-PT-TA-0439-S |
Entidade beneficiária: |
Período de execução: |
Início do Projeto: 01/03/2016 |
Custo total do investimento: |
2 732 555 € |
Financiamento aprovado: |
2 322 672 € |
Description of the Operation
The action "Douro's Inland Waterway 2020 - River Information Services" focuses on addressing the key navigability, safety, and protection challenges faced by the Douro River due to the lack of adequate RIS (River Information Services) components. The River Information System will enhance the competitiveness of inland waterway transport within the supply chain by serving as a tool for better monitoring and management of river activities. It aims to improve the safety and efficiency of navigation and other related river operations.
Development and Implementation of Fairway Information Services (FIS): Ensure these services are fully aligned with the RIS Directive and subsequent technical specifications.
Modernisation of the Current Traffic Information Scenario: Upgrade the existing traffic information systems.
Installation of a River Information Services (RIS): Establish RIS to support the implementation of a Traffic Management Service at the Control Centre.
Acquisition of a Mobile Automatic Identification System (AIS) Transponder: Equip with a portable computer and electronic navigation charts to support emergency situations.
Facilitate Interaction between RIS and External Logistical Systems: Ensure integration with external logistics systems for better coordination.
Enhance the Safe and Efficient Navigability of the Douro River: Ensure effective integration into the Atlantic Corridor of the Core Network of the Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T).