Douro Waterway's Draft Fare Regulation 2025

The Douro Waterway Fare Regulation 2025 was published in the Diário da República, 2,nd series, no. 147, of 31 July 2024 and is currently under public consultation until the 30th working day after its publication.

All possible comments, suggestions and contributions should be sent to the APDL, within the above-mentioned deadline, in a request addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of APDL - Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S. A., Avenida da Liberdade, 4450-718 Leça da Palmeira or to the email address, with the reference ‘Douro Waterway Fare Regulation 2025 - Pronouncement’.

The documents associated with this process can be downloaded below.

Justification Memory

Douro Waterway Fares Regulations 2025

Annex I - Analysis of Income and Expenses by VND tariff

Douro Waterway's Draft Waste Reception and Management Tariff Regulations 2025

The Draft Douro Waterway Waste Reception and Management Tariff Regulation 2025 was published in the Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 149, of 2 August 2024, and is currently under public consultation until the 30th working day after its publication.

All possible comments, suggestions and contributions should be sent to the APDL, within the above-mentioned time limit, in a request addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of APDL - Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S. A., Avenida da Liberdade, 4450-718 Leça da Palmeira or to the email address, with the reference ‘Draft Regulation of Tariffs for the Reception and Management of Waste 2025 of the Douro Waterway - Pronouncement’.

The documents associated with this process can be downloaded below.

Note Justification

Draft Regulation of Waste Reception and Management Tariffs 2025 for the Douro Waterway

Tariffs in force

  • Under the terms of the Douro Waterway Tariff Regulations 2024, a lockage tariff is payable for each use of a lock as follows:


    A - Cargo vessels:

    A.1 - Per gross tonnage (GT) the tariff is €0.19;

    A.2 - Minimum value of A.1 or in ballast the tariff is €92.32.


    B - Maritime tourist vessels:

    B.1 - Per passenger carried on a hotel ship, excluding crew, the fare is €0.75.

    B.2 - The minimum fare for a hotel ship is €43.09.

    B.3 - Per passenger transported on other vessels, excluding crew, the fare is €0.62

    B.4 - Minimum fare for vessels up to 12 metres in length is €12.32

    B.5 - The minimum fare for vessels over 12 metres and less than or equal to 15 metres in length is €24.62.

    B.6 - The minimum fee for other vessels is €30.78.


    C - Recreational craft and fishing boats:

    C.1 - For vessels up to and including 6 metres in length the fare is €6.16

    C.2 - For boats longer than 6 metres and equal to or less than 12 metres, the fare is €12.32

    C.3 - For vessels over 12 metres in length, the fee is €24.62


    D - Other vessels, equipment or floating equipment:

    D.1 - Platforms or pontoons up to and including 12 metres in length the tariff is €22.68

    D.2 - Platforms or pontoons longer than 12 metres, the fare is €83.56

    D.3 - Tugboats up to and including 12 metres in length the fare is €28.96

    D.4 - Tugs over 12 metres in length, the fare is €36.77

    D.5 - Non-motorised or artisanal fishing vessels the fare is €5.58


    E - Vessels carrying explosive, flammable or polluting materials:

    E.1 - The tariff payable by vessels is subject to a 50 per cent increase


    F - For an extraordinary lockage:

    F.1 - Aggravation on the tariff payable the tariff is €123.09.


    VAT is added to all amounts at the legal rate in force.

  • Under the terms of the Douro Waterway Tariff Regulations 2024, a berthing tariff is due, calculated per linear metre of length, overall (LOA), of the berthed vessel, per indivisible period of two hours and per type of quay, as follows:


    A - Class A quays:

    A.1 - 1st line berthing:

    A.1.1 - First two-hour period the rate is €0.0895

    A.1.2 - Subsequent periods of two hours the fare is €0.1347

    A.2 - 2nd line docking:

    A.2.1 - First two-hour period the fare is €0.0895

    A.2.2 - Subsequent two-hour periods the fare is €0.1347


    B - Class B berths

    B.1 - 1st line berthing:

    B.1.1 - First two-hour period the fare is €0.0453

    B.1.2 - Subsequent periods of two hours the fare is €0.0453

    B.2 - 2nd line docking:

    B.2.1 - First two-hour period the fare is €0.0453

    B.2.2 - Subsequent two-hour periods the fare is €0.0453


    For the purposes of this tariff, class A quays are considered to be: the Entre-os-Rios quay, the Bitetos quay, the Lamego commercial quay, the Régua quay, the Pinhão/Sabrosa quay, the Barca d'Alva quay and the Arrábida mooring quay.

    The remaining river infrastructures (river quays, wharves, river harbours and other berthing platforms) are considered class B quays.

    The Berthing Tariff does not apply to quays that are the subject of a licence or concession.

    VAT is added to all amounts at the legal rate in force

  • Nos termos do Regulamento de Tarifas 2024 da Via Navegável do

    Under the terms of the Douro Waterway Tariff Regulations 2024, an annual tariff is due for the use of the waterway, calculated according to its type, as follows:


    A - Passenger vessels:

    A.1 - The amount per unit of gross tonnage (GT) is €7.64


    B - Recreational craft and other motorised craft:

    B.1 - Boats up to and including 6 metres in length, the rate is €12.54

    B.2 - Boats longer than 6 metres and equal to or less than 12 metres, the fare is €31.34

    B.3 - Vessels over 12 metres in length, the fee is €62.67


    The Lane Use Tariff does not apply to freight vessels, fishing vessels and non-motorised vessels.

    VAT is added to all amounts at the legal rate in force.

Supply Tariffs

  • Following the Deliberation of the Board of Directors of 5/2024, of 15 5 May of ERSE - Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos (Energy Services Regulatory Authority), which approves the update of the energy tariff for the electricity sector to be in force from 1 June 2024, the tariff for the Supply of Electricity in Low Voltage (LV) to be applied in the ports of Leixões and Viana do Castelo and on the Douro Waterway is published.

    1. The rates for the supply of energy at Low Voltage, according to the type of tariff and the contracted power, are:

    Tariff Type Unit Euros
    Withe Simple Tariff    
    to 2,30 kVA KWh 0,1576
    to 20,70 kVA KWh 0,1624
    Up to 20,70 kVA KWh 0,1597

    Withe Tri-hourly Tariff

    (more than 20,7 kVA)

    Peak Hours KWh 0,2924
    Full Hours KWh 0,1597
    Empty Hours KWh 0,0927


    2- The monthly power charges payable for the supply of electricity at low voltage are as follows:

    Contracted Power (kVA)

    Monthly Tariff (Euros)
    1,15 2,5249
    2,30 4,1980
    3,45 5,3083
    4,60 6,9084
    5,75 8,4993
    6,90 10,0903
    10,35 14,8693
    13,80 19,6452
    17,26 24,4242
    20,70 29,2002
    27,60 39,0289
    34,50 48,5503
    41,40 58,0718
    >41,40 1,4027 €/kVA


    3. Medium-voltage energy supplies will be invoiced at the price charged by the energy supplier, plus 20 per cent for administrative costs.


    The Board of Directors of APDL, SA

  • By resolution of the Board of Directors of 29 May 2024, the following water supply tariffs were set for the Douro Waterway:

    a) Water supply to land facilities - €3.9104 per m3;

    b) Water supply to vessels by watering hole - € 2.9034 per m3;

    c) Availability tariff - €6.7375 per month and per meter.

    This Service Order enters into force on 1 June 2024.

  • In view of the significant increases in electricity supply costs in recent months, the APDL Board of Directors decided at its meeting on 26 May 2022 to update the tariff for the supply of low voltage electricity to vessels (OPS), to be applied in the port of Leixões, the port of Viana do Castelo and the Douro Waterway.

    This Order publishes the tariff shown below:
    - Low-voltage electricity supply to vessels (OPS) - €0.2305 per kWh

    The approved tariff will come into force on 1 June 2022.

Tariffs for land use

  • Under the terms of point no. 4 of Service Order no. E-005 of 23/02/2023, the tariffs for land use in APDL's area of jurisdiction over the Douro River Waterway are updated, to take effect from 1 January 2024.


    1. For the private use of quays, harbours or wharves assigned to the APDL, the following monthly fees are due, which include occupation of the water surface:

    a) €17.12 per linear metre of length, overall (LOA), of the vessels to be moored or standard vessels supported by the infrastructure when the vessels to be moored are not specifically indicated, in relation to hotel-ship type vessels engaged in maritime-tourism activity;

    b) €10.27 per linear metre of length, overall (LOA), of the vessels to be moored or standard vessels supported by the infrastructure when the vessels to be moored are not specifically indicated, in relation to vessels engaged in maritime-tourism activity, with the exception of hotel-ship type vessels;

    c) €8.56 per linear metre of length, overall (LOA), of the vessels to be moored, in relation to recreational boating vessels.


    2. The following annual fees are due for private occupation of the public water domain:

    a) €12.04 per square metre of area occupied, in relation to the installation of private quays or wharves for commercial, tourist or profit-making purposes;

    b) €9.03 per square metre of occupied area for the installation of private quays or wharves with no commercial, tourist or profit-making purpose;

    c) €45.66 for the installation of moorings for recreational or fishing boats. In addition to this fee, in the case of pleasure boats, €5.70 per linear metre of length overall (LOA) of the boats to be moored;

    d) €6.02 per square metre of occupied area for other delimited private uses of the water for commercial, tourist or profit purposes;

    e) €1.20 per square metre of occupied area for other delimited private uses of the water plan without commercial, tourist or profit-making purposes.


    3. A monthly fee of €25.12 per square metre of occupation is payable for the installation of structures or equipment for commercial activities on the embankments under ADPL's jurisdiction.


    4. Unless otherwise decided by the Board of Directors, the fees provided for are updated annually, on 1 January of each year, on the basis of the variation in the average consumer price index on the mainland for the previous year, excluding housing, published by the National Statistics Institute.


    5. The Board of Directors may increase or reduce the fees, if justified, taking into account the specific characteristics of the use in question.


    6. Without prejudice to the situations provided for in special legislation or regulations, it is up to the APDL Board of Directors to decide on omitted cases.


    7. The fees contained in the tickets currently in force will remain in force until the expiry of the respective tickets.


    8. Value Added Tax shall be added to the fees set out in this work order, in accordance with the provisions of the VAT code in force.


    9. Applications for private use of water resources should be sent to the APDL post office


    With effect from 1 January 2024, this service order replaces Service Order No. E-005 of 23/02/2023.