All interested parties are hereby informed that the draft version of the ‘REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF THE LOGISTICS ACTIVITY AREA CONTAINED TO THE VILA NOVA DE GAIA ACOSTABLE CAIS’ is currently undergoing public consultation, under the terms of article 101 of the Code of Administrative Procedure (CPA), approved by Decree-Law no. 4/2015 of 7 January. Therefore, all comments, suggestions and contributions should be sent to the APDL no later than the 30th working day after publication in the Diário da República, to the email address or by ordinary post to the APDL's address (Avenida da Liberdade, 4450-718 Leça da Palmeira), with the reference REGULATION FOR THE USE OF THE CONTINUOUS LOGISTICS ACTIVITY AREA TO THE VILA NOVA DE GAIA STABLE CAIS - Opinion.
--Information update--
All interested parties are hereby informed that the draft version of the ‘REGULATION FOR THE USE OF THE LOGISTICS ACTIVITY AREA CONTINUED WITH THE VILA NOVA DE GAIA ACCOMMODATION CAIS’ has been published in the Diário da República, 2nd series - No. 224 - 21 November 2017, and is currently undergoing public consultation, under the terms of article 101 of the Code of Administrative Procedure (CPA), approved by Decree-Law no. 4/2015, of 7 January. Therefore, all comments, suggestions and contributions should be sent to the APDL by 8 January 2018, to the email address or by post to the APDL's address (Avenida da Liberdade, 4450-718 Leça da Palmeira), with the reference Regulamento de Utilização da Área de Atividade Logística Contígua ao Cais Acostável de Vila Nova de Gaia - Pronúncia.