Commercial Shipping

Since time immemorial, the Douro has been an important means of communication and transport for the region's products. This importance is evident in the creation of a boat specifically designed for the Douro River and the transport of wine barrels – the rabelo. Today, the transport of goods on the Douro Waterway is carried out using river-sea vessels of up to 2,500 tonnes.

By resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 190/80 of 20 May, Daniel Pinto da Silva was appointed coordinator of the navigability project. Decree-Law no. 127/85 of 26 April created the GND and provided it with an installation commission. The joint order issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications on 4 November 1988, published in Diário da República no. 265 of 16 May 1988, 2nd series, appointed its steering committee. The GND oversaw navigation issues on the Douro until it was abolished by Decree-Law no. 45/94 of 22 February.

  • Localisation

    Coordinates: 41º 04´40.29’’N (Latitude) – 008º 17’ 17.04’’ W (Longitude)
    Crestuma Reservoir, Km 48,00 and left bank of the Douro Waterway
    Parish of Santa Maria de Sardoura, Municipality of Castelo de Paiva, District of Aveiro



    Gralpe, Lda.
    Estrada Nacional 107, n.º 4170, Sala 3a, Apartado 5087
    4456-901 Perafita

    Tel: 229 984 200
    Fax: 229 984 209




    • From Sardoura to the sea: Distance - 26.6 miles
    • Locks: 1 lock (Crestuma/Lever). Maximum dimensions for lock vessels: 89.00 metres long, 11.40 metres wide and a maximum draught of 3.80 metres.
    • Navigation channel: Signposted with side markings and radar reflectors. Maximum permitted draught: 3.80 metres.


    • Road access: EN 222 and EN 108; A4 motorway 13km away.


    Moving Loads

    Granite and others.



    Allows ships with a length of 89.00 metres and a draught of 3.80 metres to dock.


    Other infrastructures

    Administrative and support building


    Cargo Platform

    Length: 240m; Width: 50m; Maximum loads: 16 KN/m2.
    Berthing wall: 160 metres long. Crowning: 3 metres above the average operating level of the Crestuma-Lever reservoir.


    Support embankment

    8,900m2 in area.


    Harbour equipment

    Crane: 24 tonne load at 15m. Miscellaneous equipment for handling and loading goods.

  • Location

    Coordinates: 41º 09'33.22''N (Latitude) - 007º 47' 46.64'' W (Longitude)
    Carrapatelo Reservoir, Km 100.00 and left bank of the Douro Waterway
    Parish of Cambres, Municipality of Lamego, District of Viseu







    Port of Régua-Lamego to the sea: Distance - 55 miles

    Locks: 2 locks (Crestuma/Lever and Carrapatelo). Maximum dimensions for lockable vessels: 87.00 metres in length, 11.40 metres beam and a maximum draught of 3.80 metres.

    Navigation Channel: Signposted with side markings and radar reflectors. Maximum permitted draught: 3.80 metres.


    Road access: EN 108, EN 222 and A24 motorway.


    Loads handled

    Granite and others



    Allows ships of 87.00 metres in length and 3.80 metres in draught to dock.


    Other infrastructures



    Cargo Platform

    Length: 180 metres; Width: 25 metres; Maximum loads: 16 KN/m2.
    Berth wall: 180 metres long. Crowning: 2 metres above the average operating level of the Carrapatelo reservoir.


    Support embankment

    6.5ha in area.


    Harbour equipment




    Fuel, water and waste collection.

  • Location

    Coordinates: 41º 06'60.20''N (Latitude) - 008º 27' 85.21'' W (Longitude)
    Crestuma Reservoir, Km 48.50 and right bank of the Douro Waterway
    Parish of Várzea do Douro, Municipality of Marco de Canaveses, District of Porto



    Várzeaportos, S.A.
    4575-443 Várzea do Douro

    Tel: 255 616 115
    Fax: 255 614 087



    By Sea

    From Várzea to the sea: Distance - 28 miles

    Locks: 1 lock (Crestuma/Lever). Maximum dimensions for lock vessels: 89.00 metres long, 11.40 metres beam and a maximum draught of 3.80 metres.

    Navigation Channel: Signposted with side markings and radar reflectors. Maximum permitted draught: 3.80 metres.


    Road access: EN 108


    Loads handled

    Granite and others



    Can berth ships with a length of 89.00 metres and a draught of 3.80 metres.


    Other infrastructures

    Administrative and support building


    Cargo Platform

    Length: 140m; Width: 52m; Maximum loads: 16 KN/m2.
    Berthing wall: 140 metres long. Crowning: 3 metres above the average operating level of the Crestuma-Lever reservoir.


    Support embankment

    1.65ha area


    Harbour equipment

    Crane: 80t and 40t load. Miscellaneous equipment for handling and loading goods.


  • Services

    Water and waste collection.